
Why Walk?

June 2, 2011

I am reading a book called “PrayerWalk” by Janet Holm McHenry in which chapter four is titled the same as this post. She points out that as our society becomes more technological, our lives become more sedentary and cites this statistic from the U.S. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention: More than 60% of adults in America do not engage in the recommended amount of physical activity and about 25% of adults in the U.S. are in active. Millions of Americans suffer from illnesses that can be prevented or improved through regular physical activity including 13.5 million with coronary disease and 8 million with adult-onset diabetes. And women are less physically active than men.

Walking is an easy way to get more physical. Just 30 minutes a day about three-four days a week will do it! And here are the payoffs:

  1. Walking reduces the risk of dying prematurely of heart disease.
  2. It reduces the risk of developing diabetes.
  3. It helps build and maintain healthy bones, muscles and joints.
  4. It reduces the risk of breast cancer.
  5. Walking combats obesity.
  6. It reduces the risk of dying prematurely.
  7. It reduces the risk of developing high blood pressure.
  8. Walking helps reduce blood pressure in those who already have it.
  9. Walking reduces the risk of colon cancer.
  10. It helps combat depression.

If you need additional reasons, consider your dog who’d like to get out, a friend who’d like the company, a few pounds you’d like to lose, and the reason for the book I am reading, a Personal Trainer (Jesus) Who wants to hear from you on a regular basis.

I have enjoyed walking on the beach this week on vacation and wish I lived closer to one, but there are plenty of opportunities around my neighborhood I’ve been availing, a couple of friends with whom I walk regularly, a very happy dog, and time away to talk with God again in the afternoons. Try it!

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