Posts Tagged ‘Asante Africa’


“Paying It Forward” and Passing It On

February 27, 2013

I would like for you to hear my friend, Samson.

Samson Nyongesa is a fine young leader in Nairobi. My husband and I first learned of him when he was much younger, through our dear friend Erna Grasz, founder and CEO of Asante Africa. Samson was the first person we sponsored to obtain an education that otherwise might not be possible.

It’s obvious that this bright young man not only excelled at his studies, he graduated and is becoming a leader in areas that count: He is passing it on.


There are many ways we can make a difference in this world. One way we think is very impacting is through education. Why?

“Education is vital to a thriving society. A society that is ignorant will become the breeding ground for violence and intolerance. But an educated society will be a breeding ground for tolerance and peace, justice and understanding, innovation and advancement, and positive, self-sustaining growth. It’s important to educate our children, no matter where they live, for they will grow to become responsible citizens of their society. Each child represents a future, the future of the community, of the country, and indeed the future of the whole world.”

There is a Proverb in God’s word that goes like this: “An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.” Of course this is true. And when we use this knowledge to improve the lives of those around us, I think that makes the heart of God very glad. May knowledgeable people seek God for true life and their purpose in how to “pay it forward.”

God bless Samson and those like him.


Asante Africa

December 11, 2010


My husband I sponsor two “children” in East Africa. But these two aren’t really children at all. They are future leaders of their communities. The oldest, Samson (from Kenya), is completing his finals as a Senior and Rosemary (Tanzania) is just beginning her Senior year.

Both of them just completed a Leadership Training Academy with Asante Africa, the foundation through which we sponsor these wonderful young people. Learn more about this incredible effort in East Africa at and and consider sponsoring a child or volunteering your time or money.

I have a worry, however. In both Kenya and Tanzania, there is a mandated “gap year” following high school before students may enter college. It is during this year that many are “lost.” Without formal gap year or exchange programs, it is difficult to keep students engaged and motivated to continue their education. Many women marry and begin their families. Many young men take jobs well under that what they could if they continued their education.

I pray these two will not be among the lost but forge ahead looking for opportunities to sustain and continue their hard-fought education and that the result will be far beyond what they could hope or dream. And we will benefit from this. All of us.